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Sản Phẩm

  • F.O.S.A.R

  • Giá : Liên hệ
  • MASP : F.O.S.A.R
  • Nhà sản xuất : PREVISION
  • Even the smallest object can cause large expenses for your facility. Our Foreign Object Search and Retrieval (FOSAR) tools enables you to locate and remove loose parts, foreign material, debris and other objects that should not be there, from deep inside your industrial system to allow you to stay on schedule and avoid costly tear down. Our complete retrieval tool kit include magnets, snares, hooks, grippers and accessories which enables you to navigate, extend and reach into the deepest recesses for efficient and clean retrieval. They are ideal for hazardous environment and confined space. The tools are modular for portability and ease of configuring to specific requirements.

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Fail Safe Construction

All tools are constructed using high strength stainless steel to ensure they hold up to the toughest industrial environment. They are fully submersible to enable retrieval underwater.

Wide Variety of Tools

Each foreign object retrieval presents its own challenge. There are eleven different tools to select from in the kit to meet different retrieval requirements.

Modular with Universal Connectors

Each of the tools and accessories in the tool kit is modular with universal connectors. This allows you to mix, match and configure the tool best suited for the specific retrieval job. 


Motorised Remote Gripper Kit

Motorised Remote Gripper Kit with Changeable Jaws

Fork/Tine, Serrated Flat, Serrated Curved Jaw Sets; Jaws open to 2.5″ (6.35 cm)

Waterproof to 100′ (30m)

50′ (15m) Main Cable plus 50′ (15m) Extension Cable

Battery-operated Control Box (9 x AA size batteries)

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories


Fork and Tine JaFork & Tine Jaww Set 

Includes one fork jaw and one tine jaw with fastening screws and hex key

Stainless Steel Construction



Flat Serrated Jaw

Flat Serrated Jaw Set

Includes one pair of jaws with fastening screws and hex key

Stainless Steel Construction



Curve Curved Serrated JawSerrated Jaw Set

Includes one pair of jaws with fastening screws and hex key

Stainless Steel Construction



Small retrieval magnet

Small Retrieval Magnet

8 lbf (35 N) optimal lift

High-power rare-earth magnet mounted in a durable, stainless steel housing for retrieving iron, steel and some stainless steel foreign objects. Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories

0.69″ (17.5 mm) Diameter


Large retrieval magnet

Large Retrieval Magnet

30 lbf (133 N) optimal lift

High-power rare-earth magnet mounted in a durable, stainless steel housing for retrieving iron, steel and some stainless steel foreign objects. Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories

1.25″ (32 mm) Diameter

Hook, J Type


Hook, J Type

Stainless Steel with pointed tip

1.0″ (25.4 mm) Hook Opening; 0.5″ (12.7 mm) Hook Depth; 1.9″ (48.3 mm) Hook Length

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories


Hook, U Type Short


Hook, U Type Small

Stainless Steel with pointed tip

1.0″ (25.4 mm) Hook Opening; 0.6″ (15.2 mm) Hook Depth; 1.7″ (43.2 mm) Hook Length

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories


Hook, U Type Long


Hook, U Type Long

1.0″ (25.4 mm) Hook Opening; 1.0″ (25.4 mm) Hook Depth; 1.7″ (43.2 mm) Hook Length

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories



Hook, U Type Large

 Hook, U Type Large

Stainless Steel with pointed tip

2.0″ (50.8 mm) Hook Opening; 1.0″ (25.4 mm) Hook Depth; 2.2″ (55.9 mm) Hook Length

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories



Small dia snare

Small Retrieval Snare

0.75″ (19 mm) Stainless steel ball with 1/16″ (1.6 mm) diameter wire rope 50′ (15 m) long to ensnare foreign objects

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories


Large diameter snare

Large Retrieval Snare

1.0″ (25.4 mm) Stainless steel ball with 3/32″ (2.4 mm) diameter wire rope 50′ (15 m) long to ensnare foreign objects

Universal socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories




Adjustable Knuckle Joint

0.63″ (16 mm) diameter x 2.3″ (57 mm) long

Stainless steel joint to lock push rods at any angle between +95° and -95°. Universal pin and socket quick disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories.




Flexible Push Rod PolesFlexible Push Rod Poles

Universal pin and socket quick-disconnect pole ends

  • 3/16″ (4.76 mm) diameter fibreglass x 60′ (1.5 m) length
  • 1/4″ (6.35 mm) diameter fibreglass x 60′ (1.5 m) length
  • 5/16″ (7.94 mm) diameter fibreglass x 60′ (1.5 m) length
  • 3/8″ (9.53 mm) diameter fibreglass x 60′ (1.5 m) length



Push Rod Extensions

Push Rod Extension

Universal pin and socket quick-disconnect pole ends

  • 5/16″ (7.96 mm) diameter fibreglass x 6″ (0.15 m) length
  • 5/16″ (7.96 mm) diameter fibreglass x 12″ (0.3 m) length



Spring coupling

Flexible Spring Coupling

Allows flexibility in-line with rigid poles. Stainless steel construction, used for negotiating tight bends.

Universal pin and socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories.

0.75″ (19 mm) diameter x 5.9″ (150 mm) length

Rubber Coupling 2


Flexible Rubber Coupling

Allows flexibility in-line with rigid poles. Stainless steel and natural rubber construction., used for negotiating tight bends.

Universal pin and socket quick-disconnect fitting fits all poles and accessories.

0.75″ (19 mm) diameter x 5.9″ (150 mm) length





Stainless steel with pin and socket quick-disconnect fitting to assist twisting the poles and tools into position.




Small Access Manual Gripper

  • Industry-standard .31″ (8mm) square profile
  • Stainless steel construction
  • SS Plunger-style actuator


three-prong gripper


Small Access Three-Prong Gripper

  • Three finger with sharpened nails
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Molded Plunger-style actuator




Magnet Retrieval Tool, 1lbf (4N) Optimal Lift

  • All Stainless Steel parts
  • .157” (4mm) Diameter





Magnet Retrieval Tool, 3.3lbf (15N) Optimal Lift

  • All Stainless Steel parts
  • .315” (8mm) Diameter


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